Business cases

The Walletly enterprise-grade loyalty programs, which enable businesses to create and manage custom loyalty programs.

With Walletly you can send customers coupons, loyalty, stamp, event, webinar and membership passes through your chatbot. Also allow you to contact your customers outside of the 24 hour window with Wallet Notifications.Run flexible promotion marketing campaigns that perform, without wasting development time and marketing money.

The Walletly platform is built on a set of robust enterprise-quality tools and technology, which includes:

  • Redemption Application (Wallet Scan) also available in WhiteLabel for agencies
  • Android APP (Wallet Bank)
  • GEO Notification
  • API for integration with other systems
  • Coupons
  • Give Aways
  • Competitions
  • Loyalty Points Cards
  • Loyalty Stamp Cards
  • Event Tickets
  • Bookings
  • Webinar
  • Memberships
How to set up the app
  1. To setup this app you will need to have a pro version of Walletly.
  2. You will need to get your API key from the Walletly settings of your page.
  3. Then add the API key after installing the app.

About Walletly
Application reviewed by ManyChat
Before publishing app, ManyChat Review Team makes sure that:

  1. The app can be installed via installation link
  2. App settings capture enough information to make the app work
  3. All app actions are accessible inside flow builder
  4. App actions work in accordance with their title and description
  5. The app doesn't capture unnecessary data
  6. All external sources that impact the app's actions performance are configured properly
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