Telegram Group Notification
Business cases
Send fully personalized notifications to Telegram groups and receive immediate alerts every time a user interacts or stops interacting on Messenger.
  • Get notification for each purchase intention or purchase made.
  • You will be able to assist users whenever they do not receive a response from the Bot.
  • You will get a notification when a user indicates "Talk to a Human"
  • This app has a freemium payment model (combination of free and paid features)
  • Trial period is available
  • Contact developer to know more
How to set up the app
Configure our App by following the instructions in this video or the following guide.

  1. Go to in order to create your bot and group on Telegram.
  2. Search for BotFather press enter.
  3. If you are not prompted type the keyword /start in the Chat.
  4. Select /newbot or type /newbot in the Chat to create your new Bot
  5. Follow all instructions properly.
  6. Once it's done, you will be given the token access.
  7. Go back to Manychat and in the Custom field create a new bot field, type text, in Value paste the token access..
  8. Return to Web telegram, click in the 3 lines, new group and search for your bot adding this as a new member, then click next and name your group.
  9. Locate in the Url something like this = g483331390, copy only the ID number without the G.
  10. Go back to Manychat and in the Custom field create a new bot field, type number, in Value paste the ID of the telegram group.
  11. Create a flow notify admin, select Action and look for our App Telegram group notification, then configure the action by filling the information Token Access y ID Grupo.
  12. Finally write your best message.
About Chatby Agency
Application reviewed by ManyChat
Before publishing app, ManyChat Review Team makes sure that:

  1. The app can be installed via installation link
  2. App settings capture enough information to make the app work
  3. All app actions are accessible inside flow builder
  4. App actions work in accordance with their title and description
  5. The app doesn't capture unnecessary data
  6. All external sources that impact the app's actions performance are configured properly
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